
The Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Benefits of Water

The health benefits of drinking water should not be underestimated. Our body needs a lot of water to function properly and stay healthy.

How many times have you heard that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day? Water plays an important role in the function of our body.

Water accounts for 55% to 75% of the average adult level and about two-thirds of body weight. For an average-sized adult, this is 40 to 50 liters of water. The humidity of human embryos exceeds 80%, and the humidity of newborns exceeds 74%. This is why the water you drink becomes you..

Since water occupies a large part of the human body, it is obvious that water must have a major impact on the way water works. The benefits of drinking water in terms of quality and shelf life are obvious.

Let us see why water is so important for certain functions of our body.

The Benefits Of Drinking Water: The Digestive Process

Water is very important for the digestion of food. Digestion involves a chemical process called hydrolysis. This process converts protein, starch, and fat into nutrient forms that cells need to function.

Starch cannot be used directly. When our body absorbs starch, the interaction between starch and water triggers a chemical reaction in the body. This reaction converts starch to glucose. Cells can easily use glucose to perform their functions effectively. The digestive process begins with secretion. Saliva in the mouth. Saliva starts the process of digesting carbohydrates.

Whenever food reaches the stomach, the water stimulates the gastric glands and then releases pepsin. When combined with water, pepsin affects the food that enters the stomach.

This process leaves the food in a relatively liquid state and then passes through the duodenum or upper part of the small intestine into this state. Viscera.

In the small intestine, enzymes secreted by the gallbladder and pancreas stop the digestion process. At this time, the food becomes watery and is absorbed by the large and small intestines and intestinal wall. An aqueous solution is produced in the large intestine. The metabolic capacity of food during digestion is one of the main benefits of drinking water.

The Benefits Of Drinking Water: Detoxification Process.

The kidneys and bladder, skin and lungs rely on water to flush away toxins and secretions.

The kidneys absorb water quickly, but the number of kidneys depends on how much fluid you drink. Per liter of water. After treatment by the kidneys, half an ounce of waste was transferred. Even without water, the kidneys will never stop working. When the human body does not have enough water for the kidneys to function normally, the human body must maintain water through dehydration throughout its life.

The lungs also benefit from drinking water. They play a vital role in eliminating toxins from the body by absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Small air sacs form the lung wall. These bags need to be wet to complete the work paper. The lining of the nose, throat, trachea and bronchi is also always moist. Due to full contact with air, the human body loses about half a liter of water every day just when exhaling. The advantage of drinking water: temperature control.

In hot weather, we can easily see the cooling characteristics of drinking water. Suppose the temperature is 100 degrees. The body wants to stay at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The water you drink absorbs calories. And as a very effective refrigerant.

In order to maintain a normal temperature, the human body releases moisture through the pores of the skin, which stores excessive heat. When water reaches the outside of the human body in the form of sweat, the evaporation will have a cooling effect on the skin.

In a day with normal humidity, an average tall person will lose about 23 ounces of fluid through his lungs and skin without engaging in abnormal activities. On the other hand, long-distance runners may lose up to 8 pounds of body weight.

The Benefits Of Drinking Water: Lubrication.

Most people never think of water as a lubricant. In fact, water is the main lubricant of the human body. Make the organs slide over each other. Help the bones to slide in the joints; and used as a shock absorber to prevent electric shock injuries.

The Benefits Of Drinking Water: Prevent Dehydration.

Although most of us know that water plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy body, most people do not drink enough water. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of us, our thirst mechanism is so weak that we often mistake it for hunger. Therefore, it is not surprising that lack of water leads to higher morbidity.

Some studies have shown that lack of water or dehydration can severely affect diseases such as high blood pressure, asthma, allergies and migraines. Even slight dehydration can slow down your metabolism by 3%. Lack of water is the main cause of daytime sleepiness. Even if the water content in the body is reduced by 2%, it will cause a slight loss of short-term memory. Basic math problems; and it is difficult to concentrate on the computer screen.

Preventing dehydration is one of the most important benefits of drinking water. Because three-quarters of the muscles are composed of water, it is impossible to maintain muscle tension without enough water. This is another reason that fatigue affects the dehydrated body.

The Benefits Of Drinking Water: Weight Loss.

For many people, losing weight will be one of the most important benefits of drinking water. Many weight loss experts believe that water may be the most important factor in weight loss. Calories, fat or cholesterol. It is a natural appetite suppressant and plays a key role in fat absorption.

Without enough water, the kidneys will not function properly. As a result, they transferred part of the cargo to the liver. Fat metabolism is the main function of the liver. When the liver is forced to take on some workload of the kidneys, it cannot function at peak times. As a result, the body absorbs less fat and absorbs more fat. Causes weight gain or weight loss to stagnate.

Since about 30% of the average human water consumption comes from food, it is becoming more and more important to drink enough water while dieting. Food source water. This in turn increases the demand for increased drinking water consumption. Conclusions and recommendations.

The health benefits of drinking water are enormous. When your water level is low, your body responds in ways that can have serious consequences for your health. ... The level drops sharply, gland secretions are dry, saliva is dry, and membranes are dry, and you feel thirsty. If the water level is kept at a low level for a long time, headaches, nerve damage, inattention, digestive problems and lack of hunger will occur. If we restore the right amount of water, they will disappear quickly.

Since drinking water pollution can affect body functions, the use of household water filtration systems helps maintain healthy body functions.

Husband, (formerly) Coffee Lover, Progressive Rock, A loving husband [?]. Married to a (currently) honorary angel in a regency in South Sumatra. Spoiled in his wife's arms and likes to follow his wife from the kitchen to other activities.

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